Labels:book | cassette tape | compact disk | pole | poster | sky | tree OCR: FROM THESTONE AGE TO THE FALLOF ROME COMPTON'S M FEATURES 44 MAJOR CIVILISATIONS 52 DOCUMI ENTARIES MAGNIFICENT VR RECONSTRUCTIONS OF Experience the ANCIENT BUILDINGS 11INTERACT TIVE EXCAVATIONS excitement of 2000 COLOURILLUSTRATIONS re-discoverino PLUS 274 MAPS 200.000 WORDS OF COMMENTARY the Ancient 17 RECONSTRUCTIONS OF ANCIENT MUSIC World throuoh INDEXED FOR EASY ACCESS its art masic COMPTON'SATLAS OH andfiedends THEANCIEN SWORLI TLC For The Greater Know Learning ledge Com pany MARIS Unit Tilgate Forest Business Centre Brighton Road Crawley West Sussex RH11 9BP Tel: 01293 651300 Fax 01293 651301 www .mattelinteractive .com Maris is a trademark of Maris Mutimedia Ltd ser and names an egistere OuickTim lemarks and QuickTim logo ar hotder trademart snde Ppi of li Mult fahe-resn reserved 0 ...